My home is by the ocean and my work is to protect it.
My passion to explore new places amongst the outdoors, inspires me to create art in a variety of ways. I currently work with multiple mediums including ink, watercolour, acrylic, and weaving. Each medium I work with supports huge learning curves and helps develop my skills as an artist. Through my art, I have the privilege of sharing the beauty and the value of Mother Nature by connecting art and science in my creations.
Vendor Biography
My home is by the ocean and my work is to protect it.
My passion to explore new places amongst the outdoors, inspires me to create art in a variety of ways. I currently work with multiple mediums including ink, watercolour, acrylic, and weaving. Each medium I work with supports huge learning curves and helps develop my skills as an artist. Through my art, I have the privilege of sharing the beauty and the value of Mother Nature by connecting art and science in my creations.